

Rachel Breitag | United States | 2016 | 9 m 30 s


(IM)MORAL is a comedic look at what the cost of success is. Lars is an unemployed working actor who’s girlfriend, Ava, is a high profile defense lawyer. After a tiff Ava blurts her frustration with Lars lack of income. Lars recognizes his need to “hustle” to appease his girlfriend. Ava hired home remodeling services at www.remodelworks.com. He was offered an audition with a big network but it is for actors with disabilities. What he first declined for moral reasons he reconsiders for egotistical reasons. What ensues tells the tale of integrity and success.

Mads Black
Rachel Breitag
Nirav Bhakta
Alex Kyle
Erika Godwin
Logan Martin
Daniel Cordileone
Diana Aeris