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Mom’s Alright

D Thomas Laskowski | United States | Production Year | 4 m Facebook | Twitter A twisted tale of an elderly woman sweet and kind to those who are nice and leave her alone. But those who try to take advantage or mean her harm beware…the cats are hungry Cast Fran Rimondi Charles McGuirk

Square 1

Tom Knight | United Kingdom | 2016 | 12 m Facebook | Twitter A young man goes for an interview… Cast Matthew Leeson Mark Taylor Eve Harding Roger E Horland Jim Smyth Viewing Instructions

Main Course Divorce

Peter Stilla | United Kingdom | 2016 | 9 m Cast Samuel Woodhams Ines Horozovic Claudia Moreira Finigan Ross Reza Nasseri Rhett Keene Samiha Foustok Billy Reynolds Dhvel Patel Chris Smith Viewing Instructions

Raw Footage

Antoine Allen | United States | 2016 | 7 m Facebook | Twitter Filmmaker Justin Gladwell is put to the test when his passion is called into question. With the world watching, how far will he go to capture your attention. Cast Lester Greene Jason Torres Owen Thomas China Colston Viewing Instructions


Noel Harris | Canada | 2016 | 15 m Facebook | Twitter When a single mom, facing eviction, is offered a night’s work, she unsuccessfully seeks a babysitter for her two small children. Desperate, she reaches out to the last person she wants to ask for a favour. Cast Darryl Hopkins Krystin Pellerin Jorja King Viewing Instructions

The King and the Crown

Charlotte Neuwels | United States | 2016 | 1 m The premise of this film was inspired by the book “The Libertine”. Symbolizes the paradox between men vs. power, light vs. dark, nature vs. order. The King and the crown is a confession of the human soul. Viewing Instructions

The Calling

Chris Boyd | United Kingdom | 2016 | 3 m with English Subtitles Facebook | Twitter The beginnings of life jump cut to the a temporal fluidity of networked nudes that form a spiraling galaxy. “remarkable” “a poet in a frenzy” legendary director Werner Herzog “undisciplined genius” “one of our most important artists” controversial English art… Read more »

The Copyist

Kőszegi Tamás | Hungary | 2016 | 7 m Facebook The office photocopier sees much more than we can imagine. In the darkness of the copy room anything can happen. The Copyist is the first narrative story ever made with a photocopier. Cast Simon Attila Valu Rebeka Viewing Instructions

Monday’s Child

Arden Teresa Lewis | United States | 2016 | 5 m Facebook | Twitter An elderly woman finds a dead body on her way home from the grocery store. She is confused by it’s gender. As she waits for 911 to send help, she communes with the imagined spirits of both possible genders of this now lost… Read more »


Michael Satzinger | Austria | 2016 | 1 h 58 m German with English Subtitles Facebook | Twitter German original version with english graphics and subtitles When Muxe, a Two Spirit Indio, is invited to Europe to attend an ethnological exhibition he falls head over heels in love with Gonzo, a member of a provincial rock… Read more »