
Animation is the process of making the illusion of motion and change by means of the rapid display of a sequence of static images that minimally differ from each other. The illusion—as in motion pictures in general—is thought to rely on the phi phenomenon. Animators are artists who specialize in the creation of animation.

Animation can be recorded with either analogue media, a flip book, motion picture film, video tape, digital media, including formats with animated GIF, Flash animation and digital video. To display animation, a digital camera, computer, or projector are used along with new technologies that are produced.

Animation creation methods include the traditional animation creation method and those involving stop motion animation of two and three-dimensional objects, paper cutouts, puppets and clay figures. Images are displayed in a rapid succession, usually 24, 25, 30, or 60 frames per second.

U.S. and foreign films

The English film title, original title, country of origin and production year are listed. Foreign-language films are subtitled in English.

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Ferreristico | Brazil | 2019 | 3:51 Website | Facebook | Twitter Death watches chaos through its television screen. All the rockstars that had lived long enough, show they can still shake bones in an after party. The real party begins after all ends. Until it is time to do something about it. Writer Ferreristico… Read more »

Deciduous Impotence

Martha Campbell | United States | 2018 | 5:00 A stop motion video about the futility of life. Writer Martha Campbell

Cuban Queens

Warren Bass | United States | 2018 | 7:10 “Cuban Queens” is an experimental animation that rhythmically constructs, de-constructs and explores ninety-nine evolving images of Havana’s street divas.  The production is a collaboration by Warren Bass (direction, animation and music), Lowell Boston (additional animation), and artist Liz Goldberg (original graphics, sketched in the streets of… Read more »

Temptation of Saint Francis

Johnnie Semerad | United States | 2018 | 6:02 Two ill matched garden statues fall in love in this animated exploration of the battle between spiritual enlightenment and physical desires that we all go through. An imaginative take on what happens in your garden when you’re not looking. Cast Peter Baker Writer Johnnie Semerad Producer… Read more »

A Tale of a Sassy Little Girl

Francesca Nobili | United States | 2017 | 2:40 Website On Halloween night, a little girl receives a spooky visit. Writer Francesca Nobili Producer Francesca Nobili

Pensioners Chips Episode 5 Us Presidential Campaign

Joachim Weber | Germany | 2017 | 4:52 Willy and Jimmy are old 1995s microprocessors retired for 20 years and grow old slowly. This is Willy and Jimmy, two personalized microprocessors. In a Park, sitting on a bench, two old 1995s microprocessors named Willy and Jimmy are in a conversation, like every afternoon.  They meet… Read more »

So, This Is How It Feels…

Chalky Wong | Hong Kong | 2018 | 1:42 Instagram A creature of darkness tries to save his only love


Joanna&rubens | Taiwan | 2017 | 3:00 Website The sound is produced by the vibration of the object, and all the environment has its own unique sound, through the listening, collecting unique environmental sound, to strengthen the visual experience, visual art creators and sound art creators mutual agitation, the use of different Computer program applications,… Read more »

The Sweet Sink and Without Color

Reyes Caballero | Spain | 2017 | 7:40 Spanish with English Subtitles Website | Facebook | Twitter In a far country, there was a candy factory that was the most famous of them all. There they created the most delicious sweets in the world. And a caramelito was born without color and without flavor, isolated… Read more »

Fairies for Spring 2015

Petlove Petshop, Secret Rage | United States | 2015 | 00:38 38 Second Dance of Two Fairies in a Fantastical Space Cast Petlove Petshop Secret Rage Writer Pure Chance