
Experimental cinema or avant-garde cinema is a mode of filmmaking that rigorously re-evaluates cinematic conventions and explores non-narrative forms and alternatives to traditional narratives or methods of working.

U.S. and foreign films

The English film title, original title, country of origin and production year are listed. Foreign-language films are subtitled in English.

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The Exorcism Diaries *

S.C. McCullough | United States | 2015 | 2:30 A group of priests are sent by the Vatican to investigate an unprecedented epidemic of possessions. Cast Shawna Waldron Neil Dickson Kyle Downs Writer Kenny Yakkel Producer Grayson Brooke

The Trap

Shane Europa | Ireland | 2017 | 27:30 Facebook We travel with Lana Cross through the hardest journey a person can face, that of facing themselves. Opting to pass on suicide, she chooses instead to face her demon and the trap into which she has been placed since childhood. Cast Janine Hardy Lola Europa Ray… Read more »

The Other

Diego Valdés | 2017 | 23:40 English, Spanish with English Subtitles While on a job on the desert, a first-time hitman is forced to come to terms with his own psychological make-up Cast Dhyan Valdés Jesus Vega Talija Ugrina Agustín Melendez Writer Diego Valdés Jesus Vega Producer Diego Valdés Jesus Vega

A Good Man?

Mark Mohn | United States | 7:00 Anyone can wake up, walk outside, wave to your neighbor, and do good things for the people around him, but in the end, what does it mean to be a good person? Cast Michael Kropf Justin Easterday Luis Velez Carson Memory Writer Mark Mohn Producer Mark Mohn

Under Water: Dive Deep (Debaixo D’Água: Mergulhe Fundo)

Lucas Paz | Brazil | 2016 | 17:00 Facebook What if you were to lose someone you deeply love? Under Water is a surreal drama that chronicles Sii’s fantastic journey to accept her son’s untimely death at sea. A Woman who has lost her son at sea returns to the place where her son drowned… Read more »


Marc Bascougnano | France | 2017 | 6:47 Facebook Analog feedback session. A combination of the “CHOCO-SYNTH” (a modified video enhancer turned as synth _housed in achocolate powder box) and modded kiddy toy-camera. ©Running Time 2015. Producer Running Time


TAKCOM | Japan | 2017 | 11:25 Facebook “Pessim” is a short film depicting city cultures that grew in suburbs of Japan, seen through the eyes of a lonely man struggling with his past. It’s a dead-end, between Japanese tradition and western culture. Cast Kyohei Mitsune Writer TAKCOM Producer Nao Matsutake

Object Love

Ayala Netzer | Israel | 2015 | 4:31 English, Hebrew with English Subtitles This is an autobiographical diary. Past, future, culture, religion, fantasy and reality all mixed together. One is put next to the other with no hierarchy and loses its value. Cast Ayala Netzer Writer Ayala Netzer Producer Ayala Netzer

Nation Down

Liam Hendrix Heath | United Kingdom | 2017 | 14:57 Facebook |  Twitter On a strange world locked in a dystopian nightmare, an oppressive regime is met with riots and rebellion. Desperate to suppress chaos, the king triggers a perverse manipulative scheme before risking his dominance in a warped bid for companionship. Cast Tom Lincoln… Read more »


Emmeline Cambrils, Dominique Birraldacci | France | 2017 | 11:40 French with English Subtitles A strange corridor. A lock. Lisa does not go home tonight, she no longer has her home. She is a victim who is imprisoned in another dimension … Who are the ones who play with the life of Lisa? Can a… Read more »