Narrative Feature

A narrative or story is any report of connected events, real or imaginary, presented in a sequence of written or spoken words, and/or still or moving images.

Narrative can be organized in a number of thematic and/or formal categories: non-fiction (such as definitively including creative non-fiction, biography, journalism, transcript poetry, and historiography); fictionalization of historical events (such as anecdote, myth, legend, and historical fiction); and fiction proper (such as literature in prose and sometimes poetry, such as short stories, novels, and narrative poems and songs, and imaginary narratives as portrayed in other textual forms, games, or live or recorded performances). Narrative is found in all forms of human creativity, art, and entertainment, including speech, literature, theatre, music and song, comics, journalism, film, television and video, radio, gameplay, unstructured recreation, and performance in general, as well as some painting, sculpture, drawing, photography, and other visual arts (though several modern art movements refuse the narrative in favor of the abstract and conceptual), as long as a sequence of events is presented. The word derives from the Latin verb narrare, “to tell”, which is derived from the adjective gnarus, “knowing” or “skilled”.

Oral storytelling is perhaps[according to whom?] the earliest method for sharing narratives. During most people’s childhoods, narratives are used to guide them on proper behavior, cultural history, formation of a communal identity, and values, as especially studied in anthropology today among traditional indigenous peoples. Narratives may also be nested within other narratives, such as narratives told by an unreliable narrator (a character) typically found in noir fiction genre. An important part of narration is the narrative mode, the set of methods used to communicate the narrative through a process narration.

Along with exposition, argumentation, and description, narration, broadly defined, is one of four rhetorical modes of discourse. More narrowly defined, it is the fiction-writing mode in which the narrator communicates directly to the reader.

U.S. and foreign films

The English film title, original title, country of origin and production year are listed. Foreign-language films are subtitled in English.

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Level 3

A mercurial psychiatrist uses confrontational methods to guide his patients to see the truth about themselves. But things take a turn for the worse when he is unable to help his most troubled patient.

Black Pool

“Black Pool” is a gripping thriller about a revenge-fueled, cat-and-mouse game of imprisonment and interrogation. Thirty years ago, Michael’s life was shattered by a shadowy figure he saw for only a fleeting moment. But tonight, through a chance encounter, he believes he’s found the man responsible for ruining his life. And he’s going to make… Read more »

Bawari- Silence Of Women

Heroine Bavari and her husband Kanu, were living in a remote village Ranakpur. Kanu thought of an easy life and set out for the city to make money. Bavari was on the way home in the night. Police Inspector Jadeja offered her lift and rapped on her. He also threatened the villagers. Nobody in the… Read more »

Anywhere Is Here

Sarah Dawson, a teenage girl, endures life at the hands of an abusive father and a neglectful mother. A victim who sees no other option, Sarah devises a plan to steal her father’s money and run away with her best friend Ben. Unfortunately, things go terribly awry, and Sarah is unwittingly thrown into a nefarious… Read more »

I’m Sinner

Over ten million female fetuses were aborted in the last two decades after prenatal gender checks in India. Every day there are many female infanticides committed by various methods. Due to this, there is an alarming sex-ratio imbalance between male and females in India. This story is about a father and his family that desperately… Read more »

Blurred Vision

ANDRÈ (32) and his newfound girlfriend ELISA (35) are pregnant with their first child. Full of hope for the new life to come, they move to the countryside to get closer to Elisa’s mother, MARTHA 63. André wants to provide for his family, so he starts an ambitious microbrewery project. The future seems bright for… Read more »

Where Sleeping Dogs Lie

A Neo-Noir Crime Drama about two brothers with a strained relationship and their childhood best friend that find themselves in a tragic twist of events during a botched robbery attempt.

What We Don’t Say

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The Unsung

In an old, industrial town, a homeless man (Eric) roams the streets, looking for a place to rest when a young girl (Samara) is in danger. He runs to her aide and saves her from harm. She leads him to a homeless village where he is inspired by the friendships he makes there. Through newspapers… Read more »

The Sunflower

The stable and respectable life of the former doctor, and now the official Igor Makarov, collapses after the murder of his business partner’s family. Igor decides to help his daughter who has lost memory. Faced with a certain high-ranking grouping and a competitor elimination scheme, Makarov finds a non-standard way out of this situation.