Baby Frankenstein


Jon YonKondy | United States | 2018 | 1:23:00


‘Baby Frankenstein’ is a comedy-drama feature film that tells the story of young Lance and his unlikely friendship with a pint-sized, self-aware automaton. After Lance stumbles upon this ‘little dude’, he enlists the help of the sassy girl-next-door, to protect him from his mom’s boyfriend, Glinevich. Glinevich is hell-bent on capturing The little dude (Baby Frank) and claiming the $50,000 reward being offered by the mysterious owner of Baby Frankenstein, Mr. Lundquist. Lance finds an unlikely ally in his odd neighbor, John, who appears to be romantically interested in Lance’s mother, Kim. As the captors close in on Lance, and Baby Frank, Lance must decide what he will risk to preserve Baby Franks freedom.

Andre Gower
Patrick McCartney
Eileen Rosen
Cora Savage
Ian Barling

Milton Vedic, Jon YonKondy

Milton Vedic