Moonshine Heritage


Brady Brandwood | United States | 2013 | 13 m

‘MOONSHINE HERITAGE’ A documentary uncorking the heritage of Moonshine in rural North Georgia, with illuminating and emotional details shared about the lifestyle and techniques used to avoid getting caught by the ‘Narks’, as well as a first-hand look into the culture, risk, personal pride, and passion poured into the art. One touching and revealing scene at the end sums up the emotional human factor of the lifestyle in the late 60’s and early 70’s in the rural mountains of North Georgia. Quotes form the film: “Don’t open the door,… don’t turn the light on they’re right behind me!” “When the narks have found you,… you gotta move,… cause they’ll be back!” “You’ve got to know how many people knows what you’re doing,… and you don’t hire help,… help will tell on you!” “Well,… if they’d known I was doin’ it,… there’s no way I could avoid them!” “And when it went off I though the earth was comin to an end!”