Reziliența (Resilience)


Mihai Tarna | Republic of Moldova | 2017 | 18:02
Romanian with English Subtitles

Unde nu ne-ar fi dus drumurile istoriei tot la noi ne-au adus…

E istoria noastra, a neamului nostru, a vremurilor care trec prin noi si despre cum am trecut si trecem prin vremuri.
Ce ramane in noi, ce ramaine cu noi si ce ramane pentru noi dupa trecerea noastra in timpuri ? Identitatea si Traditiile noastre…

Da, Traditia ne defineste Identitatea romaneasca…

‘’Rezilienta’’ e o reflectie despre poporul nostru.

Cine suntem si incotro mergem ?

De unde venim si de unde atata rabdare in noi ?

E filmul intrebarii si poate si umbra unui raspuns…

E filmul caracterului nostru si imaginea lacrimii curajoase pe care o purtam cu totii in noi…

E filmul neinfrangerii si filmul multumirii pentru toti cei care au fost stramosii mei si care ne-au transmis celor de azi si genetic si moral si istoric adevarata forta a neamului meu – neuitarea de sine…

Where we would not have taken the history paths to us, too …

It is our history, our nation, the times that pass through us, and how we passed and pass through the times.
What remains in us, what remains with us and what remains for us after our passage in time? Our Identity and Traditions …

Yes, Tradition Defines us the Romanian Identity …

“Resilience” is a reflection of our people.

Who are we and where are we going?

Where do we come from and how much patience in us?

It’s the question movie and maybe shadow a response …

It’s the film of our character and the image of the brave tears we all have in us …

It’s the film of non-frightening and the film of thanks for all those who were my ancestors and who have passed on to today’s and genetically and morally and historically the true force of my people – selflessness …

Sergiu Curnic

Mihai Tarna

Nicu Tarna