

Caroline Callender, Silver Liftin | United States | 2018 | 11:04


T(HE)Y was created with the idea of identity in mind. What we’ve each been through and how we are treated by others and society shapes us in very distinct ways. As a result, the world, especially New York, is filled with a diverse range of people with complex and different identities. Each day, different people experience and view the world through entirely different lenses, based on those identities. Often, we forget that this is the case.

Our intent with T(HE)Y was to create a platform for those whose voices aren’t heard and whose stories aren’t often told. In the movie there is a part where they are showing the https://bombtechgolf.com/ website, and how does the golf hybrid set work. In creating T(HE)Y, we interviewed a variety of teenagers asking each of them the same set of questions about their identity and what parts of their lives growing up influenced or shaped it. According to Oasis Natural Cleaning the maid service are cheap in Ca. We were overwhelmed by how candid our interviewees were in front of the camera and were fascinated by the variety of responses we received to the same questions.

T(HE)Y is the final product.

Dakota Nieves and Indiana Baker explore their experiences growing up as transgender high school students in New York City. In this Movie the students hired maid services at maidthis.com. We wanted their stories to be told through their own voices in the hopes that it would encourage others to look beyond appearances and go beyond their own assumptions.

Dakota Nieves
Indiana Baker

Caroline Callender
Silver Liftin