A Boat


Alexis Kirke | United Kingdom | 2018 | 9:05                    

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Jamie, diagnosed with a rare form of young-onset Lewy body dementia in his early 30s, receives an unexpected package in the post. Who is it from, and how can it help him?

Jamie, a man in his 30s who has been diagnosed with young-onset Lewy body dementia. He receives an unexpected package in the post, who’s it from and how can it help him? A Boat combines a story of caring love with a unique insight into the symptoms of this lesser-known form of dementia.

“The film was compelling, truthful, thought-provoking and correct in its presentation”, person with young-onset Lewy Body dementia.

“Fantastic film that helped me to understand more about this problem”, attendee at premiere

“wonderful film, thoroughly impressed. As my Dad had LB dementia it was not easy watching”, ex-MD, attendee at premiere

“I thought the film was excellent. Thanks to you all for doing this. How can I share the film with my wife? Her father died of Lewy Body and I feel that it would be important for here to see it”, attendee at premiere”

Jamie Satterthwaite, Katherine Drake, Phil Baker

Alexis Kirke

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